Why a Dog Makes the Best ESA?

Emotional support animals (ESAs) have become constant support for humans owing to their therapeutic benefits. In social settings, they provide anxiety relief and comforts them. With an ESA letter NY, you can stay with your emotional support animal in a rented accommodation and take them to various places. Though there are many animals that can act as ESA, dogs are popular because they are gentle, social, intelligent, and easily trainable.

Dogs are called man’s best friend for a long time and have helped countless people with different afflictions. They make the ideal companion for anybody in need of emotional support. Read on to understand why dogs make the best ESA’s.

Love to cuddle

Humans desire companionship, so does a dog. Whenever a dog is tired, he will sit on your lap or get close to you in any way. Some may also sleep in your bed or follow you in the entire house. Wherever you go, the domesticated dog will be there to cuddle or make you feel loved.

Cuddling with any animal involves stroking and petting, which is quite therapeutic for humans. Cuddling some time after a long day in the office will provide you relief from life’s stresses. So anyone seeking support from an ESA should consider getting a dog as they will pour your life with love and affection while reducing the loneliness, stress, and isolation. Dogs make an excellent choice for someone opting for an ESA because of social anxiety and depression.


Over the years there have been countless stories about the dog’s loyalty. Hachiko and Greyfriars Bobby are the breeds known for their unflinching loyal. Even after the owner dies, dogs remain completely loyal and devoted to them. Due to this endearing quality, dogs make good emotional support animals. 

They will be always there by your side and protect from the dangers. As you attach to them, they become more loyal, leading to more faithfulness and companionship. You wouldn’t be able to find any animal that is as loyal as a dog and provides you the same comfort. 

Have Enough Love 

Many animals get uncomfortable when there are some guests at home. However, this furry friend of yours has enough love for everyone.  Even if you have a pet addition in your house, they will adapt, adjust, and welcome them. 

They are also very protective of babies and young children in the home and stay around them to ensure they are safe. In a few days, the dog will become your happy companion, and seeing them after a long day will overjoy you.


If you are facing difficulty to cope with anxiety, depression, and certain phobias, an emotional support dog can immensely help you. They have a naturally loving nature that will give you a positive outlook on life. Most of the breeds of dogs get along with people and various situations quite easily. And, the patient demeanors and overt friendliness make them suitable for people with health issues.

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